Hi, I’m Kelly
I'm a freelance editor, creative consultant and writing coach, passionate about helping writers tell their stories, find their style and polish their words.
The writers I have worked with have gone on to land publishing deals and Australian and American literary agents, win Romance Writers of Australia awards and Varuna fellowships, and achieve success in independent publishing.
I hold qualifications in creative writing (UTS), business and TESOL, and have over 30 years combined experience working as a writer, editor, marketer and English language teacher. I am an avid student of writing and in addition to university, I have studied with Roland Fishman at The Writer’s Studio, as well as award winning authors, Pamela Freeman, Fiona McIntosh and Kate Forsyth.
The past eleven years I have worked almost exclusively with fiction writers and am a Senior Tutor and Editing Consultant at The Writers Studio, where I teach story structure and novel writing.
As a writer, one of my essays was chosen for a Louise Hay book – Modern Day Miracles, and another was selected for a Covid Anthology, Stories from the Heart, Penning the Pandemic, published in cooperation with The Royal Historical Society of Queensland. My most unusual publication was an 8 word story about CHANGE which appeared on a Queensland Writers Centre billboard in Brisbane. Not your usual place to see a story in print, but it was a real thrill.
When I’m not writing and editing stories, I’m reading, watching or talking about stories. In my down time, you will find me begging my teenager for attention, wrangling a needy dog and naughty rabbit, and juggling my yoga practice with a deep love of cake.

Kylie Orr, Author of Someone Else’s Child & The Eleventh Floor
Kelly worked with me on two of my novels when they were in their very early (too-scared-to-show-to-the-world) stages.
Her edits were insightful and straight to the point. She understood the kind of feedback I needed—although I instructed her to be brutally honest she offered me honesty without the brutality. Kelly's suggestions always prioritised maintaining my voice and authenticity. Her deep understanding of my style was evident throughout the process, and her thoughtful edits enhanced my work without losing my unique touch.